Most of my clients often ask me, “could it be that someone jinxed me?” My answer always is yes! Anyone can jynx you so long you believe it.
Jynx is normally understood as attracting a curse or bad luck. It may also refer to an unfortunate spell of bad luck caused by a person object, or other external forces.
The way we perceive others can shape their identity in our minds, and with time, it grows stronger. We see the other person as that perceived identity which may or may not be true. Our perceptions are based on our beliefs.
It is all in our minds! Every thought originates in the mind and projects out in our personal world as reality.
The Law of attraction teaches us that whatever we focus on grows in the fertile grounds of our mind, and eventually, we bring it into our existence.
People often shy away from sharing good news, fearing it would be jinxed. If you arrogantly flaunt your success, it may arise envy in others, and chances are you may subconsciously jinx your own happiness.
How to know if you could be jinxing your own happiness?
You think about things that could go wrong: If you start thinking ahead of an enjoyable experience in terms of what could go wrong and have feelings of trepidation, that can eliminate the pleasure of the experience altogether.
You think, “I don’t deserve this”: When you believe that you are not worthy of happiness, you may actively yet subtly sabotage any attempt to be happy.
You think, “My streak of luck is going to end soon”: Sometimes, a period of continuous good fortune may bring in fear of losing it. But it isn't a real thing. It's all in the mind.
You remind yourself that these feelings won’t last: Your negative self-talk would not allow you to sustain feelings of happiness for a long enough time.
You think about the past when things did not go well for you: While you can’t directly change how you feel, you can change what you think! The key here is thinking that you did the best you could do at that time with your coping skills. Your self-criticism is coming from your emotional mind looking back at the past through the lens of the present.
You feel guilty about being happy: If there is some regret, guilt, or wound that is haunting you and undermining your happiness, you should find a way to put it to rest and get closure.
How to stop others from jinxing your happiness:
Never flaunt your success: Share your happy news without bragging. The way you present your success makes a huge difference.
Discern who you want to share your good news with: Share your success only with people who genuinely feel happy for you.
Be careful of your own feelings towards others: Whatever goes around comes around. This is the law of attraction. If you harbor jealousy for others’ success, chances are others will reciprocate their feelings. So be happy for others. The truth is that our life unfolds based on our beliefs, and since we are energetic beings, energy from others can affect us, but it depends on us how we interpret it based on our beliefs and allow it to affect us. Our beliefs stay hidden in our subconscious and get triggered when they find the right stimulus. There are certain processes you could use to shield your energy and safeguard yourself from others' negativity.
Affirmations: Affirmations are phrases spoken to one-self that assures us of our unlimited capabilities. Using affirmations can lead to positive outcomes. Examples of affirmations can include:
“Negative thoughts and negative suggestions do not affect me at any levels of my mind”.
“Every day in every way I am getting better and better.”
Visualize God’s golden light showered over your body: This is a proven meditation technique that can be done within minutes and has transformative properties if performed regularly. Take a few deep breaths and relax. Close your eyes. Picture in your mind a huge golden ball of light a few inches above your head showering you all over your body. Picture this shower of light coming down to you from the heavens. This shower of light is God’s Golden Light. It forms a cocoon of light all around you surrounding you with God’s love and protection. This shower of golden light guards and protects. Nothing negative can get into this cocoon of golden light. The golden light is impenetrable to negativity. Only you can remove it. To remove it ask that the cocoon be removed.
Send out love: When you feel drained of energy by someone or feel someone has jinxed you, send out love to that person. Love is an emotion with the highest vibration and it has healing properties embedded in it. Real love makes us feel accepted, secure, valued, and valuable. It touches our hearts, inspires us to be our best selves, and floods our bodies with feel-good and healing hormones. When we are fortunate enough to experience true love, both as givers and receivers, we find that love heals in mind, spirit, and body. It brings joy and fulfillment to our lives. It sends our cells the message to repair, rejuvenate and create. The energy of acceptance, affection, and peace is expansive. When others receive love from you, they return the love back to you.
"The more love you give in your day-to-day life, the greater the magnetic power of love you have in the field around you, and everything you want will fall at your feet." ~ Rhonda Byrne
"Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
"We look forward to the time when the Power of Love will replace the Love of Power. Then will our world know the blessings of peace." ~ William E. Gladstone
I love this anonymous quote: ned. Life is not what you see but what you have projected. It is not what you have felt but decided. It is not how you have experienced but how you have remembered it. It is not what you have forged but what you have allowed. And it is not who has appeared but who you have summoned.