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Writer's pictureUrmil Wadhwa

Understand Your Chakra's Power!

Updated: Sep 23, 2022

What is Energy?

Energy is the animating life force, the one that we can all understand in the context of how we feel from day to day (sluggish, over-tired, or on the flip side, invincible). When we feel present, our energy is grounded; when we feel attraction or repulsion, we may feel an energetic charge; when we laugh or cry, we may feel a discharge of our energy. Our energetic systems get impacted by the physical, emotional, and cognitive blocks we have picked up from childhood. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed—but it can be altered. Despite its power, energy in itself is a neutral force. It is the consciousness that directs its movement. The more conscious we are, the more we direct our energy towards creation, connection, and evolution. The less conscious we are, the more our energy is used towards separation, stagnation, or even destruction.

Chakras are the energy centers within the human body that help to regulate all its processes, and emotions. In Hinduism, this energy is called Prana, and in traditional Chinese culture, Qui. There are 7 main chakras positioned throughout our spinal cord, four in our upper body, which govern our mental properties, and three in the lower body, which govern our instinctual properties. They spin away from the base of our spine towards the crown of our head in a clockwise motion.

1st: The root Chakra situated at the base of the spine vibrates in red color it has 4 petals that symbolize four aspects of consciousness – mind, intellect, awareness, and ego. It sounds 'Lam'. It is associated with the element of earth representing the physical form with foundational life energy, grounding, survival, and security that includes financial, career, home, physical safety, achieve goals, courage, stability, and basic needs.

When imbalanced it creates problems in the legs, feet, rectum, tailbone, and immune system. Issues with the reproductive parts, arthritis, knee pain, sciatica, eating disorders, and constipation, stress about money, and financial security. You experience fear. To cope, some people turn into narcissists, shutting out all higher emotions and functioning on a base level. Or you may simply turn into a constant worrier.

When balanced you feel supported, connected, grounded, and safe in your own body. You will have enough energy and willpower to stay disciplined while still expressing yourself to the fullest. You are able to balance courage with self-preservation and survival. A balanced Root Chakra is a key to becoming physically, spiritually, and emotionally well.

The following crystals can help you align the Root Chakra:

Red Jasper: Red Jasper is a strong protection gemstone that is said to absorb negative energy. It represents our foundation and a feeling of being grounded.

Garnet: Garnet is a cleansing chakra crystal that reenergizes the chakras, purifies and balances energy, and brings passion and serenity when you need it.

Red Hematite: This healing crystal, named after the Greek word for blood, can be used to promote better relationships, block negative energy, root your body to the earth, and also improve blood flow.

2nd: At the center of the lower abdomen vibrating in the color orange is the Sacral Chakra. The six petals of the sacral chakra are associated with qualities that we must overcome to purify – anger, jealousy, cruelty, hatred, fear, and low self-esteem. It sounds 'Vam'. It is associated with the element of water. The water element represents fluidity and flows along with physical desires, pleasure, (sexuality) relationships, sociability, and creativity.

When imbalanced you feel guilty, shy, and irresponsible. You may have sexual and reproductive health issues, urinary problems, kidney dysfunctions, hip, pelvic, and low back pain, inability to express emotion or desire, and constant fear of betrayal. You may have poor boundaries, poor self-control, and become depressed, fearful, mistrustful, and closed-off.

When balanced you feel empowered to take creative risks, embrace your sexuality, be outgoing and have joy and pleasure. You are sensual. You have a good relationship with life and yourself.

Healing crystals that correspond to sacral chakra include:

Amber: Amber is both calming and energizing and can be used to manifest desires and to relieve physical pain.

Carnelian: This crystal restores vitality and motivation and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy, and motivates for success.

Tangerine Quartz: Tangerine quartz enhances self-understanding, self-worth, and boosts creativity.

3rd: The third Chakra Solar plexus situated a couple of inches above your belly button vibrates in deep yellow. The ten petals of the Solar plexus chakra represent the ten pranas that exist in each of us. The ten pranas are basically energy currents and vibrations. Known as Manipura in Sanskrit it is associated with the sun and the element of fire. The fire element represents energy, power, and determination. Solar Plexus is sometimes called our seat of power. It is also at the core of our self-respect, self-control, and willpower. It sounds Ram. (rum).

When imbalanced you feel guilty, lack of energy, low self-esteem, and worthless. You may have digestive problems, chronic fatigue, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder issues. You may turn into an unrelenting inner critic and have a constant fear of rejection. You may also be prone to depression, chronic fatigue, and a sensation of a lack of power in general. You may experience deep-seated anxiety, self-doubt, and fear. Some will cope with this through anger, excess competitiveness, or a need for control.

When balanced you are confident, strong-willed, healthy, and feel self-respect and self-compassion. You do not feel the need to control others, and you have mastered self-control. You are independent, optimistic, warm, and youthful. You spend a good amount of time developing your talents, and you can easily assert yourself. You are hopeful.

The Solar Plexus Chakra can be aligned with the following healing crystals:

Agate: A stone of protection, physical strength, harmony, and good luck, agate enhances creativity and strengthens the intellect.

Tiger’s Eye: This stone attracts good luck and prosperity and increases confidence, intuition, and mental clarity.

Yellow Jade: This stone assists with your ability to be confident and in control of your life.

4th: The heart Chakra situated at the center of the chest is green in color and has 12 petals symbolizing the twelve divine qualities associated with the heart – peace, bliss, love, harmony, empathy, understanding, purity, clarity, compassion, unity, forgiveness, and kindness. This is the chakra of vitality, healing, life, and love. Associated with the element of air it sounds 'Yam'(yum).

When Imbalanced you may feel the inability to accept and receive love, inability to self-love, lack of compassion; heart and lung-related health conditions, upper back pain, hand, and arm-related disorders, inability to forgive, critical of self and others, and disconnected. Loneliness is its hallmark along with jealousy, fear of rejection, criticism, and an inclination toward co-dependent relationships.

When balanced you feel joy, gratitude, love, and compassion for those around you. It will also be easy for you to forgive. A balanced Heart Chakra makes for a loving, friendly, and sincere individual. You are able to keep a healthy balance between love and self-love.

Healing crystals that are associated with heart chakra include:

Rose Quartz: This is a chakra crystal of beauty and love that promotes compassion, appreciation, and soothing, calming feelings.

Amazonite: Amazonite represents knowledge and divine guidance. It aids in communication and in synchronizing your thoughts with the words you speak.

Aventurine: This is a stone of prosperity, leadership, and optimism.

5th: Throat Chakra situated at the base of your neck is associated with the element of ether. It has 16 petals associated with the sixteen vowels of Sanskrit. Ether represents communication, authenticity, self-expression, and purification. Throat Chakra is about knowing yourself and your own mind and being brave enough to speak what you know, giving voice to the self, and allowing ideas, visions, and dreams to flow and manifest. Vibrating in color bright blue it sounds 'Ham'(hum).

When imbalanced you may have thyroid issues, sore throats, ear infections, neck and shoulder pain, issues with expressing yourself, and constant fear of being out of control. You tend to be shy or inexpressive. You may become embarrassed easily or be reluctant to talk. On the other end of the spectrum, some will gossip and talk a great deal. They will not know how to listen. At worst, they are prone to lying and verbal abuse, etc.

When balanced you feel articulate, honest, and truthful yet firm. You are open-minded with good listening ability, you are authentic with the free expression of self, great overall communication skills, and you are likely to accept yourself and others as it is without being judgmental. Your voice will be resonant and clear. You will trust yourself. When the truth calls to defend someone, you will not be afraid to speak.

Healing crystals that are associated with throat chakra include:

Turquoise: Turquoise is a stone of protection and strength that promotes leadership, communication, and mental relaxation.

Celestite: Celestite is a chakra crystal of communication that promotes inner peace, strength, and oppression.

Blue Apatite: This is a stone that promotes creativity and communication. Use it to clear confusion and achieve your goals.

6th: Third Eye Chakra also known as Ajna chakra in Sanskrit is associated with the dimension of light. It represents wisdom and the awakening of the pineal gland. Here both Nadi channels Ida and Pingala meet and cross before entering the crown chakra. It has only 2 petals that are believed to represent the last remaining duality: that of Self and God. Here you see beyond the physical. It is the source of true psychic ability, intuition, spiritual insights, and more. In the third eye Chakra, we realize our true self as soul but have still not merged into total unity with God itself. Vibrating in indigo color it sounds 'Ksham' (kshum).

When imbalanced there is fear of the unknown, mental instability, and refusal to see the truth, you may have headaches, blurred vision, eye strain, sinus issues, moodiness and stubbornness, anxieties and phobias, problems with concentration, and depression. Your thoughts will feel foggy and slow. You will have trouble telling between the truth and a trick.

When balanced you feel focused and determined but also open to receiving advice from others. You are connected to the guidance and wisdom from your higher self or angels. You are clairvoyant with strong intuition. Other qualities include peace of mind, projection of will, and manifestation. You are not fooled by illusion and fear. You are perceptive, and you know yourself. Your mind is awake and clear. You may even have a connection with the supernatural.

This chakra is associated with the following crystals:

Sodalite: This is a chakra crystal of intellect that can be used to enhance the clarity of thought, concentration, and focus.

Lapis Lazuli: This is a healing stone of power, wisdom, truth, and good judgment. It is a chakra crystal to promote intuition.

Sapphire: A stone of insight and happiness, Sapphire helps you resolve issues and fulfill your goals and ambitions.

7th: Crown Chakra with 1000 petals represents the connection to the divine. It is called Sahasrdhara in Sanskrit. Situated at top of the head it is associated with space or nothingness. Its qualities represent self-transcendence, oneness, universal consciousness, enlightenment, and the merging with the infinite source of creation. In essence, the Crown Chakra is our body's connection to the spirit realm, any extrasensory abilities we might have, or psychic insights we might receive. Vibrating in royal purple color it sounds 'Ohm' (OM).

When Imbalanced you may have rigid thoughts, analysis paralysis, and you may even become detached from reality or the material realm. This can leave you vulnerable to mental disorders, delusions, general confusion, and fear. You will experience profound separation, spiritual crisis, inner pain, addiction, fragmentation, a loss of self, and at worst, you may lose the will to live.

When balanced you have an unshakeable trust in your inner guidance. You will experience a blissful cosmic awareness. You will not be shaken by trivialities or worries but will be able to see and understand the grand picture. This makes it much easier to choose a path in accordance with your Higher Self.

Chakra crystals that correspond to this chakra include:

Clear Quartz: This healing crystal magnifies the properties of all other stones and it aids in our ability to connect with our soul for enlightenment.

Moonstone: The ultimate stone of fertility, Moonstone opens up your heart to be more nurturing and accepting of love from those around you.

Amethyst: Amethyst is a healing crystal that represents royalty, spirituality, and creativity. It enhances the aura and boosts self-esteem, and it can be used to ease headaches and heal addictions and all issues related to the Crown Chakra.

Check out the chakra clearing meditation for balancing your chakras to harness the benefits of free-flowing energy throughout your body by clicking the link below.

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