In a layman’s language, a belief is an opinion or conviction as an acceptance that something is true, especially one without proof. Spiritually speaking, belief is an idea imprinted on our subconscious mind acting as filters that modifies the field of pure potentiality.
How do beliefs affect us?
Our beliefs form our personality and our personality influences our behavior and shapes our perceptions, attitudes, mood, and expectations. Our reality is what we believe it to be. The idea that beliefs have power is backed by scientific validity. Hypnosis is used in mainstream medical treatments to introduce positive self-beliefs. Our beliefs stay hidden in our subconscious mind and work on autopilot when triggered. Our subconscious ensures to bring evidence of the truth behind our beliefs.
Why do we create beliefs?
We create beliefs to anchor our understanding of the world around us and once we have formed a belief we tend to preserve that belief. And once we believe in one thing we usually disbelieve in anything that contradicts that primary belief. For example, if you believe in one religion you accept all the tenets of that religion, you also disbelieve all other religions rejecting outright the things that believers of other religions hold to be absolute truth. So understand that people’s beliefs are what they assume to be true.
Do our beliefs only limit us?
Beliefs can be empowering or limiting, if a belief enhances your self-image it is an empowering belief whereas a belief that constricts our self-image is a limiting belief. Although true empowerment comes from going beyond beliefs and when you transcend in meditation you go beyond beliefs.
How aware are you of your thinking?
How many of you have unconsciously called yourself stupid, lazy, or unworthy over and over again? Beware that is a limiting belief in the making. We stubbornly hold on to our beliefs even if they do not serve our higher good. We may have acquired them from our parents, teachers or people who influenced us as a child. Even TV is a huge media installing beliefs in us. Unconscious repetition of thoughts turns into beliefs.
How can you question your beliefs?
So, I dare you to question all your beliefs. It’s time to reshuffle your beliefs. Do a thorough check on your beliefs on relationships, on health, on your lifestyle, on happiness in your career or education or religion and spirituality? There is a way you can check on how a belief is serving you by grilling it through a test.
1. Is it based on trust and hope in uplifting you?
2. Does it serve your happiness?
3. Is it something you just took on from cultural, religious, or social conditioning?
4. Is it something you picked up by imitating others?
When you discard a limiting belief you open yourself to a whole new world of reality.
To harness the power of belief to improve your life you can engage in practices that change your habitual ways of thinking such as keeping a gratitude journal and learning mindfulness meditation. These practices can help you notice the good in life and keep your focus away from destructive negative thoughts.
My limiting belief!
Here I want to share a personal limiting belief that plagued me for a long time. And of course, it came from social conditioning. For a long time, I believed that others can jinx me.
Does anyone resonate with it?
So whenever something went wrong with me others were to be blamed and I kept on going spirally down so much so that I started fearing certain people and kept away from them. When I started doing the inner work I realized it was nothing other than a limiting belief and I was determined to pull that weed out of my life and bring back my healthy relations. Once I let go of that belief I felt empowered and everything fell in place and happiness in relationships was resumed. I was able to replace blame with taking responsibility for all my actions. If something went wrong there was learning in that.
Limiting beliefs prevent you from living your full potential so I urge you to smash the beliefs that do not serve your highest good and replace them with positive enhancing beliefs.
I would like to sum this up with a quote from Henry Ford “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're always right.”
Our power lies in our beliefs.